The year 2009,
Some people may find it a good year,
But some may not,
Whatever is the answer,
At least we can say,
'Its over',
Because 2 days from now,
A new year will arrive,
With a chance for you to start fresh,
As fresh as the milk which milkers milk from cows,
But for you to start fresh,
Some friendships may be crushed,
But at least you will find new ones,
Its like tree farming,
When 5 trees are cut down,
10 trees are planted back,
So dust off all the dirt beneath your shoe,
Make way for good habits,
And abstain from the bad ones,
We only have one life to live for,
Why not live it to the fullest,
So goodbye i bid to 2009,
And hello 2010..
I know it's a bit weird..But i'm actually trying to learn poetry writing..So this is my 1st one..and i dont even think it's a poem..=.=..Will keep trying..:D..Too bad i missed the steamboat just now..sorry guys:(..This will be my last post for 2009..So look out cruel world..New layouts and stuffs on my blog..:D..
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
EnD oF thE YEar~
Well it's almost end of the year with 5 more day left on 2009's calender..Everyone is now going through that holiday-school moment..well maybe not everyone..but surely they will be thinking about next year's class right?Where they want to sit and stuff like that..For me..No more back row anymore..Oh no..Next year i have to at least sit in the middle or more front because after looking at the class list..i said to ghee should feel the same way too cause i told him our classmates for next year..He too said the same thing..I'm not pointing to anyone specific here..But as a whole..Okay..enough about that..Band camp just few by..and I'm now regretting some of the things i've done..Really really sorry..........I know i'm not the smartest,quick-witted and good disciplined..but i'm now trying..maybe some people are mad,angry or hate me..but i can understand why..okay..I'm getting abit emotional now..So maybe remembering some happy stuff will change the mood..Erm..lemme see..Oh..Christmas night next monday:D..will be dancing with some people whom i dont want to share the names now until after the night is over:D..Lastly..2moro's session of nonami camp will be the audition..Audition for what?..cant say..Its just that you'll be much happier if you passed the auditions like american idol..I still remember David Cook's 1st audition..Then slowly slowly he became better and then he won american idol:D..Same thing with this audition..If you pass..You have to make sure you become better or no change coz like nonami himslef said..'i sack those who make the band worst'..So good luck to everyone and hope that everyone can pass..:D
Happy 5 more days of 2009..:D
God bless~
Happy 5 more days of 2009..:D
God bless~
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Gimme a H,gimme a O,Gimme a L,Gimme a I,Gimme a D,Gimme a A,Gimme a Y..what's that called??HOLIDAY!!~..haha..Finally found time to update my so outdated blog..haha..Well 1st..Happy holidays to all..exept for those working,form 5's and a few groups of people..Final exams were okay..but i failed my sivik..darn..haha..ohoh..i want to wish happy birthday to anyone who had their birthdays..So many things happened after the last day of school..There's the trip to Jin Jeak's house..We played with all kinds of's the piano,drums,dancing pad thing,basketball,water fighting and hide and seek..Next was the musical,'Famous Fables'..which i acted as a crow in the 'Hare & The Tortoise'..there's the prize giving and graduation ceremony..I got 1 bintang perkhidmatan and 1 superstar..So..that was all the past..The present was..Went to Alvin's shop and go to the cyber near there..played SA and DotA..then go golf club go whack 100 balls then here i am..haha..The future..haha..its more..There's the performance me and Jin need to do at Eastwood Valley..We have to collect our certs medal and then perform a dance..haha..Next will be maching camp and formation camp..Then will be band camp..Then FINALLY..the last program for 2009 is NONAMI many activities..haiz..really buzy from after tests until Decenber..So..Sorry to anyone who want me to be somewhere..really cant le..with a schedule like mine..Now i can feel the need to organizing my time properly and effectively..just one of the values which i dont have..Well..I hope to see everyone up and in the pink of health next year..oh darn..that reminds me..PMR!!!..anyways..Happy holidays and God Bless..Oh..and i wanna say sorry to anyone who i have offended or have hurt in anyway..I'm now trying to change my old ways and making way for the new:D..So..toodles~
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Free calls!!
Just wanna say..I found a programme..It gives you free calls from your pc to other countries landlines..just copy the the link below and type it into ur browser..
I know there are other programs like skype and msn..but this program directly calls to cool is that??..haha..well enjoy..:D..
Oh and i'll be very buzy till next try to update as soon as possible if i have the time..:D..happy holidays..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Today's my birthday..And so is thariyah's..Happy birthday to her too..anyways..So I wanna thank all those who wished me happy birthday..God bless everyone including those who did not wished me..XDXD..Okay..about making your computer faster..i realised it will take some time to explain and i dun have that time as test are just around the after tests...XDXD..So was really happy..ask anyone..they'll tell u i'm super duper extra happy today..haha..Thanks to everyone who bought me that's a list of people who celebrated with me..eric,alvin,yc,ah yie,tommy,kenny,melvin,vivien,vivian k,vivian w,yi lian,Brenda..Sorry if i missed anyone..haha..So they bought me this lovely cake..Thx so much again..No words can describe best friends:D..
I'll keep this post short but i'll post more stuff after tests..:D..Good luck and jia you everyone..
But before you press that 'X' button on the top right corner..i found this interesting information about Malaysian internet users..I dont wanna tell you how i found this information but i can tell u this..not only to find this information..but to do many other stuff..
"Google is your friend..use it before it gets old and slow"
You got it? use google more often and you'll feel the difference..:D
Anyways..last words from me is this..Jia you everyone..whereever you may be..God bless everyone..:D
2008 has been a year of change in Malaysia and people have certainly been using 'CENSORED' to access information about these changes. The fastest rising searched items documented the rise in popularity of local news portals like Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today. Politics was also a topic of great interest in Malaysia this year, with searches aimed not only at politicians like Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang, but also significant political events such as this year’s general election. Local car brand Perodua Nautica, Olympic badminton medalist Lee Chong Wei and domestic travel destination Terengganu also figured prominently. Each of these lists shows the fastest rising searches, meaning these were the search terms that saw the largest increase in searches during 2008, as compared to 2007. Take a look below to get sense of the 'CENSORED', or spirit of the times, in Malaysia for 2008!
Fastest Rising
- malaysiakini
- harakah
- tv3
- malaysia today
- rapidshare
- blogspot
- youtube
- malaysian insider
- beijing 2008
Most Popular
- youtube
- yahoo
- friendster
- utusan
- mp3
- games
- map
- lyrics
- myspace
Google News local searches
- ibiden asia
- anwar ibrahim
- datuk seri
- olympic badminton results
- chua soi lek
- malaysian election results
- malaysia budget 2009
- malaysia new cabinet
- permatang pauh election
- gamuda bhd
Local celebrities
- anwar ibrahim
- barack obama
- lim kit siang
- chua soi lek
- mahathir mohamad
- miley cyrus
- lee chong wei
- tony pua
- hannah montana
- siti nurhaliza
Local travel destinations
- terengganu
- pulau tioman
- genting highland
- port dickson
- melaka
- penang
- pulau perhentian
- bukit tinggi
- sunway lagoon
- selangor
Car brands
- perodua nautica
- toyota rush
- proton mpv
- proton blm
- honda city
- proton saga
- grand livina
- honda accord
- myvi
- honda civic
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Well..Here's a very simple guide on how to refill your PG-40/PG-830 or CL-41/CL-831 ink cartridges and not making a mess..

Here's what you need:
1.Buy the ink refill..(black,cyan,magenta,yellow)
2.prepare tissues and newspaper..(the more the better)
3.Plastic gloves..(So that your hands wont get ink-ed)
4.Some patience and time
5.Ready to make a move when something goes wrong
6.I prefer to not wear a shirt to avoid it to get dirty..You could be like a crazy person like me or just wear your old shirt or a shirt you seldom wear..
6.This guide that was made by me..:D
Okay..thats all..Let's get to it..Here are the steps..
1.Lay down a few sheets of newspaper on the floor..We dont want that nice clean floor to get dirty..
2.Remove the ink refill from the ink refill..Some ink refills provide the drill,glove and the sticker..the rest in them are put the refills,drills and stickers where you can see really cant afford lose them..

3.Switch on your printer and remove your ink cartridge..You dont need me to tell you how and see where is the head..IMPORTANT!!..NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING ON THE CARTRIDGE EXEPT FOR THE PLACES WHERE IT IS MADE OF PLASTIC..
4.Lay the cartridge down on your newspaper where the plastic side is down..Remove the sticker of the cartridge as the refilling holes are under them..
5.Put on your plastic gloves as now it will sometimes get messy
6.Take your drill and drill only one hole at a time until the drill reaches the bottom where you can feel you have drilled through some kind of a sponge..
7.Take your ink refill of either black,cyan,magenta or yellow and insert it into the drilled hole..Make sure the colour the you are putting in is the right hole..(XDXD)..

8.when You feel its full..remove the refill and close it immedietly to avoid accidental spills..

9.Take the sticker that is usually provided and stick it onto the hole..when you have done that..hold the sticker and shake the cartridge..
10.Repeat the same steps when refilling other colour's hole..
11.When you are done refilling everything..lightly shake the cartridge to make the ink flow to the head..
12.Switch On your printer and put back the cartridge to their respective slots and do a quick maintenance on the printer..E.G.Do a printer head alignment,Cleaning,Deep cleaning..If you keep doing cleaning and deep cleaning for a long time and the print result is not satisfactory..leave your printer alone for a few minutes..In the mean time..Go Facebook and play Friends For Sale and buy me..XDXD..haha..After that,try doing it again..If it still cant..then keep doing it..It will eventually heal by itself..So Enjoy the backpain that you may have after doing all of this..:D..which always happen to me:(..
For other ink cartridges..Google search on how to do it..:D
Remember though the concept 'CAYG'..
As a reward to myself for doing this..I'll eat this bowl of pork leg rice in my head..MMmmmmm...XDXD

Monday, October 19, 2009
Well yesterday was the father-son golf competition..The weather damn hot..but i'm used to it..My flight was with a Muslim converted Singh..The played well..while the lack of practice of me got to my father who keep teaching me how to hit which was abit annoying..It's a good thing actually..It shows my dad cares for anyways..We got last which was so embarrasing..The golfers call it the Wooden Spoon award for either the last place or second last place..The prize i got was a Cola with a TC1 ball in it..Btw..let me teach you some golfing words..
Stroke:Number of hits
Par:Equal with the recommended stroke on the hole set by the club
Hole-in-one:ur ball goes into the hole with 1 stroke
eagle:Your ball goes into the hole with 2 strokes on a par 4or 5
Birdie:ur ball goes into the hole with 2 strokes on par 3 and the 3rd stroke on par 4 and 4th stroke on a par 5
bogie:a stroke more than par
Double bogie:2 strokes more than a par
Bunker:Sand trap(some people call it the 'prison' cause it's sometime hard to get the ball out)
There are specific names for each club which is the driver,3 wood,5 wood,7 wood,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 iron,Pitching,Sand and the newest one..Hybird..Well thats enough for golf..
After golf though we went to church..After that we went to Good Taste Bak Kut Teh restaurant near Sun city there..Fuiyoh..i love their Pork leg rice..Just hope my legs dont become like a pig's..XDXD..Then after that sent my mom the her army camp cause she going back to Sibu that night..Aww..and she wont be around until next month..Which mean she will miss me and my brother's birthday..haiz..
Well anyways..I just refilled my printer ink's..So hand now abit rainbow-ish colour..haha..Well..I thought i wanted to share to you lovely reader how to refill one..which was too easy..:D..everything will be on my next post..So i've gtg now..going to my secret hideout to study..haha..well..Good luck to all the form 4's and 5's..May you all get good results owh..:D..Thats all from me now..Peace out~..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Oh NO!!!
Well..1st off..i will like to share one bad news..Due to the preparations for my this coming exams..i decided not to use the computer so often..So i will post less post or no post at all..What to do..Exam come must study bah..i know you're thinking 'OMG!!..Ian..STUDYING??'..Well..i can understand you freaking out..So i'm gonna start..haha..I dont know where to start and where to end..but at least i have a target..'straight A's for last exam'..Well..hope i can achieve it..So..I guess that's all..Dont worry..i think i'll go online occasionally..haha..'Now that sounds more like Ian'..LOL..XDXD..Oh yea..forgot to mention..I also decided to leard piano..I downloaded lessons from a guy named Mike Shaw..Hope it helps me a little bit until the music school near my house reopens..:D..OMG..i think i am involved in so many things..
4.Studying(which uses alot of time)
5.Golf(there's a competition this sunday)
6.yet to be listed..:D
Well..Good luck i bid to everyone who will be having exams and for the form 3's..Don't get too wild during the holidays..XDXD..anyways..Thats all for now..See ya when i see ya..:D
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
On this fine Tuesday morning..1 am..I wanna wish 4 people 'Happy Birthday'..
Those 4 people are
Eric Tan
Vivian Wong
May you all have a splendid birthday and may God bless you all so that there will be more birthdays..:D

Vivian Wong:
Abit hot tempered but in a not so bad way..Black and white dancer..can go crazy when she is with her friends and much more..:D
Eric tan:
Alot about him to say..Good guy..can go crazy too if he is with his good friends..Quite shy cause he doesnt really dare to do some stuff..can act funny and much more..:D
Don't know her quite well yet..but i wish her all the best and good luck in everything..:D
I just know he's in 'Eric Gang' lah..Wish you all the best too and God bless..:D
Late night SDO-ing:

from left:Cheryl,Kenny,Eric,Me,Alvin
Me,yc,Eric..3 hornist!!..:D
Eric,yc,kenny,me, alvin..
Again..the 5 boys..:D
Well thats all for this morning..haha..we have a performance later at 7..I hope i'll wake up early..XDXD..Jia you..!!..2moro PMR last day le..what a relief for form 3's..XDXD
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Mr. nonami's camp came to an end today..For some people they feel happy cause no nid come to school le..But if you think about it..If you think about going home the whole camp..why dont you just stay at home?..If that person joins the camp..he/she wont be able to focus on what mr.nonami is teaching..instead he/she will be only thinking about the psp,ps 1,ps2,ps3,xbox,wii,or maybe the computer..If 1 person doesnt participate fully..the next time we blow the same song then that person will spoil the hard effort put into those who really listened and learned from mr.nonami..So why waste precious time and money that we have?..We should at least make use fully of everything we have..So that's that..About this week..well..from tuesday till next tuesdayis the PMR exams my block's classrooms were all sent home for a week's holiday cause they will be using it for the exams..Anyways..If some people may internet connection really sucked a few days ago..until yesterday..the story is like this..
One day,Ian's Internet connection faced really sucky/poor line..So he had to watch tv to substitute the thing that he likes best which was to go online..Well he called TM a few times..(TMHOTLINE=100)..and when i say a few means seriously quite alot..7 i think..Well anyways..One tip he will give to those who are facing the same problems like frequent disconnection..That is to get off that computer chair and stop cursing and swearing at TM and call them..Navigate through and get to the broadband customer service..Tell them your problem and they will try to fix it..If they cant fix it..they will send a technician to your house to fix it..After a few days of frequent calls to TM..Your line should be back mine..:D
Okay..This morning's mass quote from Fr.Basil
he said 'Where is the faith in God Almighty which we should have in Him?'
Everyone's answer should be different..Try to think more about it..and tell him the answer through prayer..:D
Next up is the book i bought yesterday from Popular..It's 'How to Think Like A Maths Genius'..
It's 231 pages long..Hope i will be able to finish reading it..:D
Oh wait..Speaking of popular..When my mother was buying woman stuff ..I as a perfectly normal abit shy boy walked away from the shop..><..Then i was just relaxing and looking at Bintang Plaza's floor..It has abit of a 3D effect..I don't know how to explain it..well anyways..was looking..and looking..then i say some 'People' spit to the bottom floor..I was like..WHAT THE FU***** HELL ARE YOU DOING???..This made me realise that people are lost without the teachings from their parents and a religion..If they had proper teachings from their parents and had a religion..they wouldn't do that such disgusting thing..Grr..makes me wanna go and slap them hard on their face..
Okay last but not least..May the form 3's and form 5's study smart and prepare well for the upcoming exams..God bless..:D
Here are some pictures..

The spitting culprits..=.=..
Someone had a mouth-bleed..XDXD
P.S...Not me..:D
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
YAY..i'm back..XDXD..i'm gone..but i'm back again:D..haha..Well..this will be a very very long post so hold on to your glasses before they fall..XDXD..Well i'll start off from the earliest of time till now..Well i was born in miri..haha..Well obviously not that far..lets see..ok here goes..i'm looking at the pictures i took and i'll remember what happened..There will be some random images so dont worry..:D It was mid year holiday then..Some of us went to Melvin's Ho house play..Me,eric,yc,alvin,larry,kenny and melvin(obviously)..XDXD..anyways..We played around for 2 house is juz nearby his house btw..and so is chew ling event is the job my dad gave me..he gave me a big stack of papers to key in into the took me roughly 3 days to finish it..i'll show you how thick it was in the photos..Next is i think there was a day when people were stealing my mango tree...............ok........what? dont believe people can steal a mango tree??....ok fine..they stole the friuts..XDXD..Have you all ever had a rubik's fever?it can get really contageous..especially band you what i mean in the photo..Next is i bought a new mouse for my pc..yay..!!..=.=..what am i exited about?it's juz a mouse..=.=..Next is FR.STAN'S youth rally and concert..Too bad for those who didnt go and kudos for those who did..:D..He is amazing guys..He teaches about christianity through songs which he plays himself..He can play the guitars and percussions..who knows..maybe even more..The concert was fun..some songs were exiting and fun and some songs were sad..There was a song he dedicated to all those people who are going through or will have an abortion..I mean..Who are you to kill God's creation..He came to this world intentionally by God who has a plan for him/her..He also has a plan for every single one of us..So if you feel down or sad or lonely or any other feelings..remember..God is there with open arms..all you need to do is pray and he will answer you..Fr.Stan has a website..Its there for the weekly blessings and more good stuffs..ok..Next is the new favourite drink i like now..Its now Horlicks..:D..its packed with vitamins and alot of good stuff for your body..Next..which is not so long was a was last day of nonami camp..After we kept everything liaw..we went to Ah Ben's apartment to swim..hehe..There was alvin,yc,eric,ah kheng and me..Hou lik and jia ming went too..hou lick swim for a while nia then talk with jia ming..jia ming buger dao shuang shuang then say wan go gym..but he din go..Muahahaha..caught u le..XDXD..Oh yeah..right after the swim we went to sauna..yc cant stand the heat so alvin,me,ah kheng and eric nia..they all so scared when i put alot of water to the sauna rock..=.=..apa lah lelaki ini..XDXD..jkjk..Next is my pc de hand so itchy go install windows7 black edition on my pc..install liaw so sui ah..then i did something which cost my dad rm80..argh..well i accidentally copied the old vista's directories files to the windows 7 directory..grr..still angry at myself..but wait till it comes back from the shop..i'll install the original 1 and not the black edition..for your edition means the programs which is devoloped by private developers and not the original de..They post their work online and get feedback from other developers of professional pc wiz..Ok..last but not least..Sports day..:D..MSSM..we went..we cheered..we left..XDXD..all form 2 and some form 4 de chmbb senior members were selected..exept for a few..:D..I was selected as the leader and michelle as vice..Not bad lah actually..Mei zhong chong ah!!..haha..We ate at a shop which is nicknamed 'orange shop'..ate butter fish fillet rice..Mmmm..makes me hungry now..i havent eat btw..haha..Well here are the pictures..

Me at Melvin's house..:D
a page from the document my dad ask me to key in..
OMG..the thickness of the whole thing..=.=..
mango stealers..=.=..
eric with his gang having a rubik's fever..
My new mouse..1000dpi..:D
Fr.Stan at mass..
Fr.Stan during the rally..
Fr.Stan in phone camera's zoom sucks..
My ticket..:D
My favourite drink..
after swimming..y all no smile de?
Like this mah..:D
well..thats all for now..stay tuned..wait..are your eyes ok?XDXD..tests on 19th october ah..!!..haiz..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
New SerVer!!..
hehe..Go play xHeavenflyMS..XDXD..newly created..ask me for details..Not 24/7 though..rates are 300/200/200..ask me for the file..:D..
Friday, September 11, 2009
UpDATEz!!!!'s all i can say now..XDXD..well..i'm happy these few days..firstly cause there are no more TESTS!!..Hehe..but i think i hav very low mark compared than last time..average of 67.10..So low man..haiz..But i've set a target for myself..after hari raya i will really study hard to get good result so that my dad will reward me with something..i hope..XDXD..anyways..secondly cause my dancing test are over too..Congratz to everyone..:D..and lastly cause Band Appreciation Dinner will be on tomorrow night..yipee!!..Btw..for the first time ever i was entrusted with a duty in band..The duty of being the gamemaster..sounds simple?..Nope..we had to think and think of games..which cant be childish and too classic like musical chairs..=.=..i'm sick of that freakin game..who doesnt?..XDXD..anyways..the dinner's games will be provided by me,eric,yc,melvin,ahyie and alvin..6 gamemaster with 5 games..I hope it will satisfy everyone..:D..Well..To those who are really curious..One of the games will involve pictures of every band member(I hope)..XDXD..Well i still have more work to do for the games so..Sayonara..~~see everyone tomorrow..:D
Saturday, August 15, 2009
HazE ProBlem SolvED..?
This morning's weather so beautiful man..when i open my windows i smelt no haze was only 5.30 then..I thought the haze gone le..So i open the windows and slept again..1st time these few weeks got like this de weather luu..Well..i was still dreaming..dreaming.............keep going mate......dreaming..until late liaw..i remembered i forgot to set my alarm to wake me up at 7..cause 8am got band practice..walao..rushed like crazy..haiz..i'm not a good at time management..hope i'll change..:D..anyways..after band..came home..relax awhile then play game..haiz..i edi know i shud not touch the computer but it's human magnetic force too strong le:( i end up playing left 4 dead,sudden attack and cs source..haiz..Well..1 more day b4 exams..sure bad results de..*sobs*..

Here's a picture i just took..right before the you can see..the mango tree is full of fruits..which is good during these type of haze right?..hope it will stay like this during the tests..:D..
Jia you everyone~~..:D
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hehe..during the past two weeks..or maybe more..i didnt cut my nails..until this before mr.nailclippers goes to work..heres the nails i was owning..

Disgusting eh? worries..there will be gone later..:D
Here's a picture of Bart Simpson and his ass sticker on a was taken during our spain trip when we went for the gala dinner..They really know how to have fun..:D
Well..exams are coming real week to be exact..jia you ur best..remember not to study hard but instead to study smart..Owh..and jia you to everyone who is going to boulevard this sunday for the merdeka thing..:D..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
NeW PC!!!!...
YAY..the time had was when my old pc became a great great great grandfather..and now being replaced by his grand grand grand grandson..In short..My mom bought a new computer:D..For me i would choose hp or dell..but she bought Acer instead..but actually almost the same's just the quality difference..people say acer not good coz fast spoil..i would now knock on those people's head and tell them this..If you take good care of any type of will last for a long time..For old has been 4 or 5 years in service..and it still just need some light repairs and upgrade here and there..but last time acer de speaker i understand la..coz when my dad bought the old pc..the speaker spoilt in a few months my dad bought an Edifier still rocks until today..Btw..i recommend you buy my model de has 3gig ram,320 gig memory,nvidea graphics card,dolby surround sound and uses intel core 2 duo..PC image sell for rm1888..(but now no stock coz we bought the last one..><)..but the shop next to it is selling it for rm 50..but i recommend people to buy pc stuff at pc image..1st of all..they dun talk bs like some shops..2nd is they really wanna fix ur computer unlike some shops i ever went to..3rd they sell alot of stuff..even Razor keyboards and mouse..4th they repair very fast..1,2 days ok le..hehe..i fell like i'm advertising them's a picture of the Aspire M3710 my mom bought..
design not bad lah..:D
Here's the shirt i use the whole day which i'm still using now..
I bought it when they were selling it during confirmation..
Anyways..thats all for now..Now searching for tips and tricks for vista..C ya~..
Btw..drink more water these few days..We can relax abit when typhoon comes..sure say me crazy coz i'm welcoming typhoon..but it's better than this desert type of weather..the ants oso die ah..XDXD..
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Well my day went as normal i guess..but today it had a bit of a romantic touch..XDXD..Coz play too much game no good right? watch movie lo..I wanted to watch home alone but then i saw a movie whice i forgot all about it since i downloaded it from the internet..Oh..btw..all my movies are in my hardisk and are downloaded from a very cool website which has almost everything.. haha..anyways..i was opening home alone 4 and i saw it..yup..Romeo and Juliet..XDXD..i know marissa has been asking me for it since i downloaded it..sorry..XDXD..i keep forgetting stuff..anyways..watched the movie complimented with cookies by kurt which he baked..i didnt really understand though..their language were all so so deep..'Romeo,romeo..where are art thou this lovely night that i need thee'..I guess this was the easiest one to remended that everyone spoke like this the entire you could only imagine how empty was my brain the whole time..XDXD..but then it came to this part when romeo murdered juliet's cousin..that's where it all became sad and more violence..Then of corse was the end..which romeo drank poison and juliet shot herself..sad ending for everyone but happy ending for romeo and juliet coz they now could love each other in heaven where no one could disturb them..i was touched by the power of love between those two..but nowadays..mana ada this type of love oh..Ham sap gong and Hiao Po got lah..people who marry someone just to get something like money,fame,fortune and many other stuff oso got..wouldnt it be great if the whole world is like romeo and juliet..haha..I dont think so..But if it does..the company who sells 'I HATE YOU' or 'you're a biatch' greeting cards would all go out of business..XDXD..Well 3 more days of this least tomorrow i'll be occupied..dunno what i'll do on monday though..hmm..any ideas??XDXD..
Friday, July 31, 2009
I doNt CAre!!..
This 6am..I wake up computer loh..obviously..but computer got minor i try to fix..fix dau 6.45am like dat..then play sdo awhile lo..then around 8am ricky call me..he say go play basketball at krp there wit i get ready lo..then just when i bathe finish..he call me again..he say cancelled liaw..coz ikhwan cannot come..why cancel?..coz we play basketball is becoz of him..he going liaw so we play with him lo..haiz..then play computer 1 round sudden attack then suddenly..ricky call me again..he say he bring me go eat at his mother's friend's shop at bulatan park on lo..when reach dau shuang..quite full lah..*ADVERTISEMENT* Its the small shop you will see by the bullatan parking lot there..go there support!!..XDXD*ADVERTISE MENT END*..anyways..after that went to ricky's house..they all play dota..i only could watch:(..after that ricky got piano he send me n julian to pustaka while his lesson finish..then after that went to imperial mall..after that went to parkson..jalan-jalan..cari topi..haha..yup..ricky was looking for a white hat..after that..send julian go his tuition..after that i came home and is now sitting by my computer chair and posting this can imagine i did all that in one day..finally sumthing other than playing computer the whole day..XDXD..btw..about the title ah..sumone say cannot go crowded places..but..i still went anyways..XDXD..well..4 more days of this boring house quarantine..jia you to all those studying..and to those hu are playing games..Play more lah..XDXD..haha..but remember to exercise and eat at the right time..thats all i i plan to play sa with chong ghee they all and sleep early 2nite..coz my dad will be coming bak from kl at 11 pm tonight..:(:( more late nitez liaw luu..XDXD..Oh those of you who know how to use html and stuff like that..can you teach me??haha..i wanna learn..XDXD..Bye~~
Thursday, July 30, 2009
About BandZ!!..
Well this is one of Cadets best performances..I love the songs alot..Formation too..
Well this one is..AWESOME!!..when i saw this..i was in awe the whole time
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