Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ByE bYe 2009~

The year 2009,
Some people may find it a good year,
But some may not,
Whatever is the answer,
At least we can say,
'Its over',
Because 2 days from now,
A new year will arrive,
With a chance for you to start fresh,
As fresh as the milk which milkers milk from cows,
But for you to start fresh,
Some friendships may be crushed,
But at least you will find new ones,
Its like tree farming,
When 5 trees are cut down,
10 trees are planted back,
So dust off all the dirt beneath your shoe,
Make way for good habits,
And abstain from the bad ones,
We only have one life to live for,
Why not live it to the fullest,
So goodbye i bid to 2009,
And hello 2010..

I know it's a bit weird..But i'm actually trying to learn poetry writing..So this is my 1st one..and i dont even think it's a poem..=.=..Will keep trying..:D..Too bad i missed the steamboat just now..sorry guys:(..This will be my last post for 2009..So look out cruel world..New layouts and stuffs on my blog..:D..

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