Sunday, October 11, 2009


Mr. nonami's camp came to an end today..For some people they feel happy cause no nid come to school le..But if you think about it..If you think about going home the whole camp..why dont you just stay at home?..If that person joins the camp..he/she wont be able to focus on what mr.nonami is teaching..instead he/she will be only thinking about the psp,ps 1,ps2,ps3,xbox,wii,or maybe the computer..If 1 person doesnt participate fully..the next time we blow the same song then that person will spoil the hard effort put into those who really listened and learned from mr.nonami..So why waste precious time and money that we have?..We should at least make use fully of everything we have..So that's that..About this week..well..from tuesday till next tuesdayis the PMR exams my block's classrooms were all sent home for a week's holiday cause they will be using it for the exams..Anyways..If some people may internet connection really sucked a few days ago..until yesterday..the story is like this..
One day,Ian's Internet connection faced really sucky/poor line..So he had to watch tv to substitute the thing that he likes best which was to go online..Well he called TM a few times..(TMHOTLINE=100)..and when i say a few means seriously quite alot..7 i think..Well anyways..One tip he will give to those who are facing the same problems like frequent disconnection..That is to get off that computer chair and stop cursing and swearing at TM and call them..Navigate through and get to the broadband customer service..Tell them your problem and they will try to fix it..If they cant fix it..they will send a technician to your house to fix it..After a few days of frequent calls to TM..Your line should be back mine..:D
Okay..This morning's mass quote from Fr.Basil
he said 'Where is the faith in God Almighty which we should have in Him?'
Everyone's answer should be different..Try to think more about it..and tell him the answer through prayer..:D
Next up is the book i bought yesterday from Popular..It's 'How to Think Like A Maths Genius'..
It's 231 pages long..Hope i will be able to finish reading it..:D
Oh wait..Speaking of popular..When my mother was buying woman stuff ..I as a perfectly normal abit shy boy walked away from the shop..><..Then i was just relaxing and looking at Bintang Plaza's floor..It has abit of a 3D effect..I don't know how to explain it..well anyways..was looking..and looking..then i say some 'People' spit to the bottom floor..I was like..WHAT THE FU***** HELL ARE YOU DOING???..This made me realise that people are lost without the teachings from their parents and a religion..If they had proper teachings from their parents and had a religion..they wouldn't do that such disgusting thing..Grr..makes me wanna go and slap them hard on their face..
Okay last but not least..May the form 3's and form 5's study smart and prepare well for the upcoming exams..God bless..:D
Here are some pictures..

The spitting culprits..=.=..

Someone had a mouth-bleed..XDXD
P.S...Not me..:D

My new book which teaches about how to think like a math genious..:D

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