Sunday, February 7, 2010


Band concert just over..I'm now having mixed emotions..Just wanna say congratulations to everyone for making it a big success..I saw a few of my non-chung hua student friends..Thanks for coming=D..Hope everyone enjoyed last night and had fun..I hope our next concert will be in the nearest future possible..haha..But all of this cant be done without Mr.Nonami,2 Tan Sri's,Principal,teachers,friends and supporters of us..Now i hope that everyone have a good rest and continue to study..Especially for form 3's..Our test will be coming real soon..Hope that everyone will be prepared..=D..Anyways..thats all about last went to church as usual..luckily we were not so late as everyone was still singing the entrance hymn..During the church notices..The guy said that there will be no sunday school for this week and next week due to chinese new year holidays..haha..So went to eat at cheng kee chicken rice..but my mom wan do her specs..she say got went in..Then when say the contact lens side i remembered last night i use finish my solution buy 1 solution..then saw the vibrating thing contacts lens de..then i oso remember the kit for my 1 at home edi expired buy 1 kit..RM18+Rm9.90=RM27.90..haha..
But when i got home i put new kit le then try on it it wont work..then use boy's style..hit hit here,hit hit there..still cannot..Then use Men's the whole thing and see whats wrong..

Before using Men's style..

Open liaw..then see le..rupa-rupanya..the inside kena water le..So think think any spare motor to replace or not..then remembered got 1 small fan my dad ever picked up from somewhere..Then see..YES..Same motor..then see..then I see the vibrating thing de motherboard oso kena water i scared later change motor le still bo bian so i use Godlike style..and made an invention of my own..

TADA~!! can put the kit on the pad i got from the old one..Its not pretty but at least its usable and gets the job done..

Thats all about these two days i gonna get ready to go for dancing lessons..That reminds me..i think i xia xoi my dance teacher sway that time..i saw him..I say..cham liaw..wo xia xoi ta..haha..i saw my mom's recording oso malu ah..darn..if only i had more time to prepare..Sorry to everyone else who were dancing sway too..thinking back..I got abit 'leh feh' sorry..but now its over..

Well..gotta go..see ya~

1 comment:

ikhwan's plate of gan mian said...

DUDE!! Awesome Pics!!! wish i was there..==...hahha.. anyway, good luck in your studies and everything else man!!! best wish from once a jollywood gang and always will be ikhwan!!!